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Increasing BIPOC in the field of Psychology

Dr. Madore and the NEAT Lab cultivate a culture which honors diversity, equity, and inclusion. We believe that it is necessary to institute a multifaceted approach in order to mitigate the impact of systemic racism and discrimination in the field. As individuals, it is our duty to use our privilege to affect change. This can occur in many forms. Some examples include:


  • Mentorship and sponsorship of BIPOC individuals

  • Providing social and financial support to BIPOC individuals

  • Joining local, regional, and national organizations and speaking up when you witness injustices

Another way to institute change is through servant leadership. Dr. Madore serves her community through the various   volunteer service positions she participates in. Below is a list of organizations in which she has held, or currently holds, leadership positions in.


National Organizations

Asian Neuropsychological Association                                                                                               


Asian American Psychological Association

Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee

American Psychological Association - Division 40 Society for Clinical Neuropsychology   

International Neuropsychological Society

Cultural Neuropsychology Special Interest Group


Public Interest Advisory Committee

American Psychological Association - Division 40 Society for Clinical Neuropsychology


American Psychological Association of Graduate Students



There are many ways to change systemic racism and oppression of BIPOC. If you are interested in partnering with Dr. Madore, connect with her for mentorship, or have her speak to your organization. Please feel free to reach out.

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